Processing and analyzing data on Nigeria's increasing Maternal Mortality Rate



The goal of this project is to reduce maternal mortality and improve outcomes for pregnant women, new mothers, and infants in Nigeria. The maternal mortality ratio (MMR) in Nigeria was 545/100,000 live births in 2008 and increased to 814 deaths/100,000 live births in 2015 which is still unacceptably high.

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This project is pending the final review

Project scope (as of July 26, 2021, 11:17 a.m.)

Project goal(s)

1) Process data collected by HelpMum, which is currently stored in MS Word documents 2) Analyzing the data to identify patterns in MMR across these clinic 3) Conduct a feasibility study on


Survey records collected by HelpMum from clinics across Nigeria

Analysis Needed

Understanding the frequency of MMR at different clinics, and trying to identify patterns in cause and effect. Some NLP will need to be done to analyze free-response forms on the surveys.

Validation Methodology

Validation is TBD, but sanity checks can be done with existing research on MMR in Nigeria and conversations with the internal stakeholders of the project


The final deliverable will likely be a report indicating the findings of the analysis of the survey data

Scope version notes