Processing and analyzing data on Nigeria's increasing Maternal Mortality Rate



The goal of this project is to reduce maternal mortality and improve outcomes for pregnant women, new mothers, and infants in Nigeria. The maternal mortality ratio (MMR) in Nigeria was 545/100,000 live births in 2008 and increased to 814 deaths/100,000 live births in 2015 which is still unacceptably high.

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This project is pending the final review

Background and Motivation

The goal of this project is to reduce maternal mortality and improve outcomes for pregnant women, new mothers, and infants in Nigeria. The maternal mortality ratio (MMR) in Nigeria was 545/100,000 live births in2008 and increased to 814 deaths/100,000 live births in 2015 which is still unacceptably high. The Maternal Mortality Ratio includes deaths during pregnancy, childbirth, or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the duration and site of the pregnancy, for a specified year. According to the WHO, this was the second-highest number of annual maternal deaths in the world in 2010 and 14% of all maternal deaths globally. The causes of these maternal deaths are Pre-eclampsia, infection, Post-Abortal Sepsis with the leading cause found to be Post-Partum Hemorrhage. This can be in part explained by the persisting low numbers of births occurring in health facilities and the low number of births attended by trained healthcare service providers.

Our goal is to improve these outcomes by 1) collecting data about intermediate outcomes during pregnancy, 2) identifying which pregnant women are at risk of adverse maternal outcomes in the near future, and 3) identify specific risk factors in order to do individual outreach, intervene early, and refer them to medical services that they will need. Our solution will use learnings from the Vaccination Tracking System (VTS) for children being run by HelpMum and replicate this process for collecting, tracking, and identifying risk factors for pregnant women.

Project Description

This project focuses on collecting and analyzing data related to goal (1) of the project. HelpMum has collected data on maternal mortalities during childbrooth from around 300 health clinics across Nigeria. This project will involve processing the data (which is currently stored in MS Word documents) and then analyzing the data to identify patterns in MMR across these clinics.

A feasibility study will also be carried out to understand (1) if it is possible, and (2) what data needs to be collected to build an accurate predictive model for predicting maternal mortality in the future.

Intended Impact

The intended impact of this project is to reduce Maternal Mortality Rates in Nigeria. This will be done through a multi-step process, which begins with this process of processing and analyzing preliminary data on Maternal Mortality collected by HelpMum.

Internal Stakeholders

The HelpMum organization, and birth clinics across Nigeria.

Internal People Available During the Project

Dr Abiodun Adereni, CEO, HelpMum

Start date: July 27, 2021
End date: Feb. 1, 2022

Project tasks

Data analysis 4
Project management 1
Project scoping 0 done_all